South Dakota's death count did not exceed death expectancy during the week ending Jan. 14, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
South Dakota's death count did not exceed the upper threshold of death expectancy during the week ending Jan. 14, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
South Dakota's death count did not exceed death expectancy during the week ending Dec. 31, 2022, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
South Dakota's death count did not exceed the upper threshold of death expectancy during the week ending Dec. 31, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), a prominent small-business association, has appointed Jason Glodt as the new state director for South Dakota.
The Bureau of Finance and Management (BFM) released South Dakota’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for fiscal year 2022. The ACFR is the audited financial statements for state government and represents a cumulative effort of BFM, all state agencies, and the Department of Legislative Audit.
In January, the South Dakota State Historical Society’s virtual “History Talks” author speaker series features professor emeritus of Native American Studies at the University of Montana Richmond Clow, speaking about his book, “Spotted Tail: Warrior and Statesman.”
A new year of sobriety checkpoints begins as the South Dakota Department of Public Safety plans to hold checkpoints in 15 different counties during the month of January.
On December 27, 2022, the Repealing Existing Substandard Provisions Encouraging Conciliation with Tribes Act (RESPECT) was signed into law by the president.
The Office of the Attorney General today released the Crime in South Dakota 2021 report. This report is compiled annually by the Attorney General’s Criminal Statistical Analysis Center (SAC).
The Department of Revenue remains on track to receive an updated shipment of title paper in late January and resume printing all paper titles in mid-February 2023.
South Dakota collected $1 million in miscellaneous tax revenue during the fourth quarter of 2022, a 50% decrease from the previous quarter, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Quarterly Summary of State and Local Taxes.